roots; vegetables; eat; bear



  • roots
  • vegetables
  • eat
  • bear
  • surname Ru
  • to eat
  • (extended meaning) to endure
  • putrid smell
  • vegetables
  • roots (inextricably attached to the plant)


茹 stroke order diagram
茹 stroke order animation


含辛苦 hán xīn rú kǔ to suffer every possible torment (idiom); bitter hardship; to bear one's cross
毛饮血 rú máo yǐn xuè devour raw meat and fowl (of savages)
拔毛连 bá máo lián rú lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
拔毛連 bá máo lián rú lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
拔茅 bá máo rú lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow; fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
拔茅连 bá máo lián rú lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
拔茅連 bá máo lián rú lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others; inextricably tangled together; Invite one and he'll tell all his friends.
梁静 liáng jìng rú Fish Leong (1978-), Malaysian pop singer; also Leong Chui Peng or Jasmine Leong
梁靜 liáng jìng rú Fish Leong (1978-), Malaysian pop singer; also Leong Chui Peng or Jasmine Leong
zhú rú bamboo shavings (Bambusa tuldoides) used in Chinese medicine
古涵今 rú gǔ hán jīn to take in (old and new experiences and sorrows)
毛飲血 rú máo yǐn xuè devour raw meat and fowl (of savages)
痛 rú tòng to endure (suffering or sorrow)
素 rú sù to eat a vegetarian diet
苦含辛 rú kǔ hán xīn bitter hardship; to bear one's cross
荤 rú hūn to eat meat
葷 rú hūn to eat meat
荤饮酒 rú hūn yǐn jiǔ to eat meat and drink wine
葷飲酒 rú hūn yǐn jiǔ to eat meat and drink wine
藘 rú lǘ Rubia cordifolia; Indian madder; munjit; also written 茜草
志鹃 rú zhì juān Ru Zhijuan (1925-1998), female novelist and politician
誌鵑 rú zhì juān Ru Zhijuan (1925-1998), female novelist and politician
鱼 rú yú putrid fish
魚 rú yú putrid fish
cài rú greens; green vegetables
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