HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 1936th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.6) |
INDEX # | 4128 |
thatching; caltrop, Tribulus terrestris
茨 cí |

盖茨 gài cí | Gates (name) |
霍格沃茨 huò gé wò cí | Hogwarts (Harry Potter) |
罗伯茨 luó bó cí | Roberts |
波茨坦 bō cí tǎn | Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany |
阿尔茨海默 ā ěr cí hǎi mò | Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), German psychiatrist and neuropathologist |
博茨瓦纳 bó cí wǎ nà | Botswana |
盖茨比 gài cí bǐ | Gatsby |
菲茨杰拉德 fēi cí jié lā dé | Fitzgerald (name) |
霍洛维茨 huò luò wéi cí | Horowitz (name) |
托洛茨基 tuō luò cí jī | Leon Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940), early Bolshevik leader, exiled by Stalin in 1929 and murdered in 1940 |
科茨沃尔德 kē cí wò ěr dé | the Cotswolds (England) |
萨尔茨堡 sà ěr cí bǎo | Salzburg |
伊尔库茨克 yī ěr kù cí kè | Irkutsk |
康斯坦茨 kāng sī tǎn cí | Konstanz (Germany) |
林茨 lín cí | Linz (city in Austria) |
格拉茨 gé lā cí | Graz (city in Austria) |
茨城 cí chéng | Ibaraki prefecture in northeast Japan |
伊爾庫茨克 yī ěr kù cí kè | Irkutsk |
博茨瓦納 bó cí wǎ nà | Botswana |
博茨瓦那 bó cí wǎ nà | Botswana |
土阶茅茨 tǔ jiē máo cí | lit. earthen steps and a thatched hut; frugal living conditions (idiom) |
土階茅茨 tǔ jiē máo cí | lit. earthen steps and a thatched hut; frugal living conditions (idiom) |
弗罗茨瓦夫 fú luó cí wǎ fū | Wroclaw, Polish city |
弗羅茨瓦夫 fú luó cí wǎ fū | Wroclaw, Polish city |
普列谢茨克 pǔ liè xiè cí kè | Plesetsk, settlement in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia |