small, petty; harsh, rigorous



苛 kē
  • severe
  • exacting


苛 stroke order diagram
苛 stroke order animation


刻 kē kè harsh; severe; demanding
求 kē qiú demanding
责 kē zé to criticize harshly; to excoriate
捐杂税 kē juān zá shuì exorbitant taxation (idiom)
yán kē severe; harsh
yán kē severe; harsh
性 kē xìng caustic (chemistry)
性钠 kē xìng nà caustic soda; sodium hydroxide NaOH
性鈉 kē xìng nà caustic soda; sodium hydroxide NaOH
性钾 kē xìng jiǎ caustic potash; potassium hydroxide KOH
性鉀 kē xìng jiǎ caustic potash; potassium hydroxide KOH
捐雜稅 kē juān zá shuì exorbitant taxation (idiom)
政猛于虎 kē zhèng měng yú hǔ tyrannical government is fiercer than a tiger (idiom)
政猛於虎 kē zhèng měng yú hǔ tyrannical government is fiercer than a tiger (idiom)
責 kē zé to criticize harshly; to excoriate
juān kē to remove an oppressive law, tax etc
蠲除政 juān chú kē zhèng to alleviate oppressive administration (idiom)
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