tái tāi

moss, lichen



苔 tái
  • moss
苔 tāi
  • coating (of tongue)


苔 stroke order diagram
苔 stroke order animation


藓 tái xiǎn moss
qīng tái moss; lichen
hǎi tái nori
shēng tái mossy
紫菜 zǐ cài tái purple cabbage; Brassica campestris var. purpurea
绿 lǜ tái green algae
lǜ tái green algae
子 yún tái zǐ rape (Brassica campestris L.); rapeseed plant; canola plant; a common vegetable with a dark green leaf; also called 油菜
属 yún tái shǔ genus Brassica (cabbage, rape etc)
屬 yún tái shǔ genus Brassica (cabbage, rape etc)
蘚 tái xiǎn moss
yè tái liverwort (Jungermannia lanceolata)
yè tái liverwort (Jungermannia lanceolata)
suàn tái see 蒜薹[suan4 tai2]
xiǎn tái moss
xiǎn tái moss
yín tái moss silver; silver in the form of fibers or branches
yín tái moss silver; silver in the form of fibers or branches
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