HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 1890th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.4) |
INDEX # | 668 |
fragrance, aroma; perfume
- fragrance, aroma
- perfume
- perfume
- fragrance

斯蒂芬 sī dì fēn | Stephen or Steven (name) |
贝多芬 bèi duō fēn | Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), German composer |
芬兰 fēn lán | Finland |
芬芳 fēn fāng | perfume; fragrant |
格兰芬多 gé lán fēn duō | Gryffindor (Harry Potter) |
纽芬兰 niǔ fēn lán | Newfoundland Island, Canada |
斯芬克斯 sī fēn kè sī | sphinx (myth.) (loanword) |
布洛芬 bù luò fēn | Ibuprofen or Nurofen; also called 異丁苯丙酸|异丁苯丙酸 |
玛芬 mǎ fēn | muffin (loanword) |
芬尼 fēn ní | pfennig (monetary unit) (loanword) |
芬达 fēn dá | Fanta (soft drink brand); Fender (guitar brand) |
马芬 mǎ fēn | muffin (loanword); also written 瑪芬|玛芬[ma3 fen1] |
新芬党 xīn fēn dǎng | Sinn Fein, Irish political party |
阿里斯托芬 ā lǐ sī tuō fēn | Aristophanes (c. 448-380 BC), Greek comic playwright |
南芬 nán fēn | Nanfen district of Benxi city 本溪市, Liaoning |
南芬区 nán fēn qū | Nanfen district of Benxi city 本溪市, Liaoning |
南芬區 nán fēn qū | Nanfen district of Benxi city 本溪市, Liaoning |
史蒂芬・哈珀 shǐ dì fēn ・ hā pò | see 斯蒂芬·哈珀[Si1 di4 fen1 · Ha1 po4] |
哈克贝利・芬历险记 hā kè bèi lì ・ fēn lì xiǎn jì | Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1] |
哈克貝利・芬歷險記 hā kè bèi lì ・ fēn lì xiǎn jì | Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1] |
多芬 duō fēn | Dove (brand) |
安多芬 ān duō fēn | endorphin (loanword) |
巴拿芬 bā ná fēn | paraffin; variant of 石蠟|石蜡[shi2 la4] |
斯芬克司 sī fēn kè sī | Sphinx (Egyptian mythical beast) |
斯蒂芬・哈珀 sī dì fēn ・ hā pò | Stephen Harper (1959-), Canadian politician, prime minister from 2006 |