HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 514th character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.2) |
INDEX # | 209 |
knot, node, joint; section
节 jié |
节 jiē |

节目 jié mù | program; item (on a program); CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4] |
节日 jié rì | holiday; festival; CL:個|个[ge4] |
季节 jì jié | time; season; period; CL:個|个[ge4] |
节约 jié yuē | to economize; to conserve (resources); economy; frugal |
细节 xì jié | details; particulars |
节省 jié shěng | saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on |
国庆节 guó qìng jié | PRC National Day (October 1st) |
环节 huán jié | (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc); (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process), etc |
节奏 jié zòu | rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat |
情节 qíng jié | plot; circumstances |
调节 tiáo jié | to adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to reconcile (accountancy etc) |
礼节 lǐ jié | etiquette |
节制 jié zhì | to control; to restrict; to moderate; to temper; moderation; sobriety; to administer |
端午节 duān wǔ jié | Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month) |
元宵节 yuán xiāo jié | Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival 春節|春节, on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar |
圣诞节 shèng dàn jié | Christmas time; Christmas season; Christmas |
感恩节 gǎn ēn jié | Thanksgiving Day |
情人节 qíng rén jié | Valentine's Day |
复活节 fù huó jié | Easter |
关节 guān jié | joint (physiology); key point; critical phase |
过节 guò jié | to celebrate a festival; after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over) |
节食 jié shí | to save food; to go on a diet |
关节炎 guān jié yán | arthritis |
节拍 jié pāi | beat (music); meter |
狂欢节 kuáng huān jié | carnival |