
artemisia, mugwort; translit.



艾 ài
  • surname Ai
  • Chinese mugwort or wormwood
  • moxa
  • to stop or cut short
  • phonetic "ai" or "i"
  • abbr. for 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4], AIDS
艾 yì
  • to mow
  • to cut
  • to reap
  • to redress


艾 stroke order diagram
艾 stroke order animation


托馬斯・斯特恩斯・略特 tuō mǎ sī ・ sì tè ēn sī ・ ài lüè tè T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), English poet
方滋未 fāng zī wèi ài flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up
方兴未 fāng xīng wèi ài flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up
方興未 fāng xīng wèi ài flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up
期期 qī qī ài ài stammering (idiom)
wèi ài (literary) not having come to its term
洁西卡・芭 jié xī kǎ ・ ài bā Jessica Alba, American actress
潔西卡・芭 jié xī kǎ ・ ài bā Jessica Alba, American actress
自怨自 zì yuàn zì yì to be full of remorse; to repent and redress one's errors
自怜 zì ài zì lián to feel sorry for oneself
自憐 zì ài zì lián to feel sorry for oneself
丁湖 ài dīng hú Ayding Lake (Aydingkol) in Xinjiang
冬花 ài dōng huā coltsfoot flower (used in TCM); Flos Farfarae
卷 ài juǎn moxa cigar; moxa roll (TCM)
哈邁德 ài hǎ mài dé Ahmed (name)
哈迈迪内贾德 ài hā mài dí nèi jiǎ dé Ahmadinejad or Ahmadinezhad (Persian name); Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian fundamentalist politician, president of Iran 2005-2013
哈邁迪內賈德 ài hā mài dí nèi jiǎ dé Ahmadinejad or Ahmadinezhad (Persian name); Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian fundamentalist politician, president of Iran 2005-2013
哈迈达巴德 ài hā mài dá bā dé Ahmedabad, largest city in west Indian state Gujarat 古吉拉特[Gu3 ji2 la1 te4]
哈邁達巴德 ài hā mài dá bā dé Ahmedabad, largest city in west Indian state Gujarat 古吉拉特[Gu3 ji2 la1 te4]
奇遜 ài qí xùn Atchison or Acheson (name); Atchison city on Missouri in Kansas, USA
奧瓦 ài ào wǎ Iowa, US state
奥瓦州 ài ào wǎ zhōu Iowa, US state
奧瓦州 ài ào wǎ zhōu Iowa, US state
实 ài shí mugwort fruit (TCM); also called fruit of argyi wormwood; Fructus Artemisiae argyi
實 ài shí mugwort fruit (TCM); also called fruit of argyi wormwood; Fructus Artemisiae argyi