
rudder, helm



  • rudder, helm
  • helm
  • rudder


舵 stroke order diagram
舵 stroke order animation


zhǎng duò to steer (a ship)
手 duò shǒu helmsman
bǎ duò to hold the rudder; to hold (to take, to be at) the helm; to steer
见风转 jiàn fēng zhuǎn duò lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
yòu duò right rudder
手 dà duò shǒu the Great Helmsman (Mao Zedong)
zuǒ duò left rudder
cāo duò to steer (a vessel); to hold the rudder; at the helm
室 cāo duò shì pilothouse
mǎn duò on full rudder; turning as sharply as possible
滿 mǎn duò on full rudder; turning as sharply as possible
把 duò bǎ tiller of a boat
旁 duò páng helm (of a ship)
chuán duò rudder; helm of a ship
见风使 jiàn fēng shǐ duò lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
見風使 jiàn fēng shǐ duò lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
見風轉 jiàn fēng zhuǎn duò lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
随风倒 suí fēng dǎo duò to trim one's sails with the wind; to adopt different attitude depending on the circumstances (idiom)
隨風倒 suí fēng dǎo duò to trim one's sails with the wind; to adopt different attitude depending on the circumstances (idiom)
顺风转 shùn fēng zhuǎn duò to act according to whatever is the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled
順風轉 shùn fēng zhuǎn duò to act according to whatever is the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled
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