xìng xīng

thrive, prosper, flourish


興 xìng
  • feeling or desire to do sth
  • interest in sth
  • excitement
興 xīng
  • surname Xing
  • to rise
  • to flourish
  • to become popular
  • to start
  • to encourage
  • to get up
  • (often used in the negative) to permit or allow (dialect)
  • maybe (dialect)


盛 xīng shèng to flourish; to thrive
盡 xìng jìn to have lost interest; to have had enough
縣 xīng xiàn Xing county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西
義 xīng yì Xingyi city in Guizhou, capital of Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南布依族苗族自治州
義市 xīng yì shì Xingyi city in Guizhou, capital of Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南布依族苗族自治州
致 xìng zhì mood; spirits; interest
致勃勃 xìng zhì bó bó to become exhilarated (idiom); in high spirits; full of zest
衰 xīng shuāi prosperity and decline (of a kingdom); rise and fall
許 xìng xǔ perhaps
賓 xīng bīn Xingbin district of Laibin city 來賓市|来宾市[Lai2 bin1 shi4], Guangxi
賓區 xīng bīn qū Xingbin district of Laibin city 來賓市|来宾市[Lai2 bin1 shi4], Guangxi
起 xīng qǐ to rise; to spring up; to burgeon; to be aroused; to come into vogue
趣 xìng qù interest (desire to know about sth); interest (thing in which one is interested); hobby; CL:個|个[ge4]
辦 xīng bàn to begin; to set in motion
都庫什 xīng dū kù shí the Hindu Kush (mountain range)
隆 xīng lóng Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei; prosperous; thriving; flourishing
隆縣 xīng lóng xiàn Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei
隆臺 xīng lóng tái Xinglongtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市|盘锦市, Liaoning
隆臺區 xīng lóng tái qū Xinglongtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市|盘锦市, Liaoning
頭 xìng tou keen interest; concentrated attention
風作浪 xīng fēng zuò làng to incite trouble; to stir up havoc
高彩烈 xìng gāo cǎi liè variant of 興高采烈|兴高采烈[xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4]
高采烈 xìng gāo cǎi liè happy and excited (idiom); in high spirits; in great delight
會 huá xīng huì anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in Changsha by 黃興|黄兴[Huang2 Xing1] in 1904, a precursor of Sun Yat-sen's Alliance for Democracy 同盟會|同盟会[Tong2 meng2 hui4] and of the Guomindang
zī xīng Zixing county level city in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan