



  • buttocks
  • butt
  • buttocks
  • old variant of 臀[tun2]


臀 stroke order diagram
臀 stroke order animation


肌 tún jī gluteal muscle; gluteus; buttocks
鳍 tún qí anal fin
鰭 tún qí anal fin
目 xī tún mù Saurischia or lizard-hipped dinosaurs, order within superorder Dinosauria
舞 diàn tún wǔ twerking, sexually provocative dance involving hip movements while in a low, squatting position
舞 diàn tún wǔ twerking, sexually provocative dance involving hip movements while in a low, squatting position
鹎 huáng tún bēi (bird species of China) brown-breasted bulbul (Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)
鵯 huáng tún bēi (bird species of China) brown-breasted bulbul (Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)
黑喉红鹎 hēi hóu hóng tún bēi (bird species of China) red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer)
黑喉紅鵯 hēi hóu hóng tún bēi (bird species of China) red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer)