HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1351st character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2976 |
legs, thighs
- legs, thighs
- leg
- CL:條|条[tiao2]
- hip bone
- old variant of 腿[tui3]

大腿 dà tuǐ | thigh |
火腿 huǒ tuǐ | ham; CL:個|个[ge4] |
跑腿 pǎo tuǐ | to run errands |
小腿 xiǎo tuǐ | lower leg (from knee to ankle); shank |
拖后腿 tuō hòu tuǐ | to impede; to obstruct; to hold back |
瘸腿 qué tuǐ | crippled; lame; a cripple; a lame person |
腿脚 tuǐ jiǎo | legs and feet; ability to walk; strides |
裤腿 kù tuǐ | trouser leg |
狗腿子 gǒu tuǐ zi | dog's leg; fig. one who follows a villain; henchman; hired thug |
拔腿 bá tuǐ | to break into a run |
二郎腿 èr láng tuǐ | one leg over the other (legs crossed) |
撒腿 sā tuǐ | to take to one's heels; to scram |
罗圈腿 luó quān tuǐ | bow-legged; bandy-legged |
盘腿 pán tuǐ | to sit cross-legged; to sit in the lotus position |
绑腿 bǎng tuǐ | leg wrappings; puttee; gaiters; leggings |
腿肚子 tuǐ dù zi | calf (back of the leg below the knee) |
扯后腿 chě hòu tuǐ | to be a drag or hindrance on sb |
泥腿子 ní tuǐ zi | peasant; yokel |
O型腿 o xíng tuǐ | bow legs; bow-leggedness |
假腿 jiǎ tuǐ | false leg |
前腿 qián tuǐ | forelegs |
劈腿 pǐ tuǐ | to do the splits (gymnastics); (Tw) two-timing (in romantic relationships); Taiwan pr. [pi1 tui3] |
外八字腿 wài bā zì tuǐ | bow legs; bandy legs |
外小腿 wài xiǎo tuǐ | shin |
大腿袜 dà tuǐ wà | thigh highs |