
intestines; emotions; sausage


腸 cháng
  • intestines
  • old variant of 腸|肠[chang2]


乙狀結 yǐ zhuàng jié cháng sigmoid colon (anatomy); bent colon, linking the descending colon to the rectum
互訴衷 hū sù zhōng cháng to confide in each other (idiom)
傾吐衷 qīng tǔ zhōng cháng to pour out (emotions); to pour one's heart out; to say everything that is on one's mind
十二指 shí èr zhǐ cháng duodenum
升結 shēng jié cháng ascending colon (anatomy); first section of large intestine
huí cháng ileum (segment of small intestine between the jejunum 空腸|空肠[kong1 chang2] and appendix 盲腸|盲肠[mang2 chang2])
盪氣 huí cháng dàng qì soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork); heart-rending; deeply moving
子 huài cháng zi evil person
dà cháng the large intestine
桿菌 dà cháng gǎn jūn Escherichia coli (E. coli)
小肚雞 xiǎo dù jī cháng lit. small belly, chicken's gut (idiom); narrow-minded; petty
xiǎo cháng small intestine
xīn cháng heart; intention; one's inclination; state of mind; to have the heart for sth; mood
急性炎 jí xìng cháng yán acute enteritis
chóu cháng anxiety; worries
百結 chóu cháng bǎi jié hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idiom); weighed down with anxiety
搜索枯 sōu suǒ kū cháng to rack one's brains (for apt wording etc) (idiom)
刮肚 sōu cháng guā dù to search one's guts and belly (idiom); to racks one's brains for a solution
duàn cháng heartbroken; to break one's heart
寸斷 róu cháng cùn duàn lit. to feel as if one's intestines have been cut short; broken-hearted (idiom)
橫結 héng jié cháng transverse colon (anatomy); second section of large intestine
rùn cháng to ease constipation (TCM)
通便 rùn cháng tōng biàn to cure constipation with laxatives
guàn cháng enema; to give an enema
guàn chang sausage with a starchy filling
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