jiàn qián




腱 jiàn
  • tendon
  • sinew


腱 stroke order diagram
腱 stroke order animation


jī jiàn tendon (anatomy); sinew; hamstrings
子 jiàn zi sinew
鞘炎 jiàn qiào yán tenosynovitis (medicine)
肌 bàn jiàn jī semitendinosus, one of the hamstring muscles in the thigh
肌 páng jiàn jī see 膕旁腱肌|腘旁腱肌[guo2 pang2 jian4 ji1]; hamstring (anatomy)
弓 jiàn gōng tendon arch (anatomy)
炎 jiàn yán tendonitis
鞘 jiàn qiào tendon sheath (anatomy); epitendon
腿后 tuǐ hòu jiàn hamstring muscle
腿後 tuǐ hòu jiàn hamstring muscle
腘旁肌 guó páng jiàn jī hamstring (anatomy); see also 膕繩肌|腘绳肌[guo2 sheng2 ji1]
膕旁肌 guó páng jiàn jī hamstring (anatomy); see also 膕繩肌|腘绳肌[guo2 sheng2 ji1]
gēn jiàn heel tendon of mammals; Achilles tendon
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