spine, backbone; ridge



脊 jǐ
  • spine
  • back
  • ridge
  • Taiwan pr. [ji2] or [ji3]


脊 stroke order diagram
脊 stroke order animation


大洋中 dà yáng zhōng jǐ mid-ocean ridge (geology)
大西洋中 dà xī yáng zhōng jǐ Atlantic mid-ocean ridge
大西洋洋中 dà xī yáng yáng zhōng jǐ Atlantic mid-ocean ridge
强直性柱炎 qiáng zhí xìng jǐ zhù yán ankylosing spondylitis; Bechterew’s disease
強直性柱炎 qiáng zhí xìng jǐ zhù yán ankylosing spondylitis; Bechterew’s disease
梁 chuō jǐ liang to criticize behind sb's back; back-biting
梁骨 chuō jǐ liang gǔ to criticize behind sb's back; back-biting
niē jǐ form of therapeutic massage, mainly for children, in which a roll of skin is squeezed, working from the base of the spine to the neck (TCM)
治疗 niē jǐ zhì liáo chiropractic (medicine)
治療 niē jǐ zhì liáo chiropractic (medicine)
学 zhěng jǐ xué chiropractic
學 zhěng jǐ xué chiropractic
shū jǐ spine of a book
洋中 yáng zhōng jǐ mid-ocean ridge (geology)
yáng jǐ mid-ocean ridge
椎 wú jǐ zhuī invertebrate
椎 wú jǐ zhuī invertebrate
椎动物 wú jǐ zhuī dòng wù invertebrate
椎動物 wú jǐ zhuī dòng wù invertebrate
肉 niú jǐ ròu sirloin (beef joint)
糖醋里 táng cù lǐ jǐ sweet and sour pork
罗摩诺索夫山 luó mó nuò suǒ fū shān jǐ Lomonosov ridge (in the Artic Ocean)
羅摩諾索夫山 luó mó nuò suǒ fū shān jǐ Lomonosov ridge (in the Artic Ocean)
令 jí líng variant of 鶺鴒|鹡鸰[ji2 ling2]
柱侧凸 jǐ zhù cè tū scoliosis