
fat, grease, lard; grease

HSK 6 #2206


脂 zhī
  • fat
  • rouge (cosmetics)
  • resin


脂 stroke order diagram
脂 stroke order animation


反式肪 fǎn shì zhī fáng trans fat; trans-isomer fatty acid
反式肪酸 fǎn shì zhī fáng suān see 反式脂肪[fan3 shi4 zhi1 fang2]
抹粉 tú zhī mǒ fěn to put on makeup; to prettify
多元不饱和肪酸 duō yuán bù bǎo hé zhī fáng suān polyunsaturated fatty acid
多元不飽和肪酸 duō yuán bù bǎo hé zhī fáng suān polyunsaturated fatty acid
安息香 ān xī xiāng zhī benzoinum; benzoin resin (used in TCM)
chōu zhī liposuction
cǎi zhī tree tapping
cǎi zhī tree tapping
植物肪 zhí wù zhī fáng vegetable fat
末 zhí zhī mò non-dairy creamer powder
shù zhī resin
環氧樹 huán yǎng shù zhī epoxy resin (chemistry)
qióng zhī agar
qióng zhī agar
甘油三 gān yóu sān zhī triglyceride
guī zhǐ silicone grease
酸钙 yìng zhī suān gài calcium stearate
酸鈣 yìng zhī suān gài calcium stearate
kuàng zhī vaseline; same as 凡士林
kuàng zhī vaseline; same as 凡士林
mǐ zhī Mizhi County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi
县 mǐ zhī xiàn Mizhi County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi
縣 mǐ zhī xiàn Mizhi County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi
táng zhī glycolipid