HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 609th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.4) |
INDEX # | 1225 |
produce, give birth to; educate
育 yù |

体育 tǐ yù | sports; physical education |
教育 jiào yù | to educate; to teach; education |
生育 shēng yù | to bear; to give birth; to grow; to rear; to bring up (children); fertility |
发育 fā yù | to develop; to mature; growth; development; (sexually) mature |
孕育 yùn yù | to be pregnant; to produce offspring; to nurture (a development, school of thought, artwork etc); fig. replete with (culture etc) |
培育 péi yù | to train; to breed |
体育馆 tǐ yù guǎn | gym; gymnasium; stadium; CL:個|个[ge4] |
养育 yǎng yù | to rear; to bring up; to nurture |
体育场 tǐ yù chǎng | stadium; CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4] |
生儿育女 shēng ér yù nǚ | to bear and raise children |
体育运动 tǐ yù yùn dòng | sports; physical culture |
计划生育 jì huà shēng yù | family planning |
高等教育 gāo děng jiào yù | higher education |
抚育 fǔ yù | to nurture; to raise; to foster; to tend |
教育部 jiào yù bù | Ministry of Education |
节育 jié yù | to practice birth control |
保育 bǎo yù | childcare; conservation (of the environment etc) |
体育界 tǐ yù jiè | sports circles; the sporting world |
哺育 bǔ yù | to feed; to nurture; to foster |
教育学 jiào yù xué | pedagogy |
教育家 jiào yù jiā | educationalist |
绝育 jué yù | to sterilize; to spay |
学前教育 xué qián jiào yù | preschool education; early childhood education |
特殊教育 tè shū jiào yù | special education; special-needs education |
不育症 bù yù zhèng | sterility; barrenness |