



  • liver
  • liver
  • CL:葉|叶[ye4],個|个[ge4]


肝 stroke order diagram
肝 stroke order animation


戊型炎 wù xíng gān yán hepatitis E
沥胆 pī gān lì dǎn lit. to open one's liver and drip gall (idiom); wholehearted loyalty
瀝膽 pī gān lì dǎn lit. to open one's liver and drip gall (idiom); wholehearted loyalty
揪心扒 jiū xīn bā gān (idiom) extremely anxious; anguished
甲型炎 jiǎ xíng gān yán hepatitis A
理气 shū gān lǐ qì to course the liver and rectify 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)
理氣 shū gān lǐ qì to course the liver and rectify 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)
病毒性炎 bìng dú xìng gān yán viral hepatitis
美味牛菌 měi wèi niú gān jùn porcino (Boletus edulis)
吸虫 gān xī chóng liver fluke
吸蟲 gān xī chóng liver fluke
糖 gān táng glycogen
脑涂地 gān nǎo tú dì to offer one's life in sacrifice
腦塗地 gān nǎo tú dì to offer one's life in sacrifice
腸寸斷 gān cháng cùn duàn lit. liver and guts cut to pieces (idiom); fig. grief-stricken
胆相照 gān dǎn xiāng zhào to treat one another with absolute sincerity (idiom); to show total devotion
膽相照 gān dǎn xiāng zhào to treat one another with absolute sincerity (idiom); to show total devotion
臟 gān zàng liver
醣 gān táng (Tw) glycogen
féi gān foie gras
脂肪 zhī fáng gān fatty liver
油 yú gān yóu cod liver oil
é gān foie gras
é gān foie gras
凤胆 lóng gān fèng dǎn rare food; ambrosia (delicacy)