
ear; merely, only; handle

HSK 3 #887


耳 ěr
  • ear
  • handle (archaeology)
  • and that is all (Classical Chinese)


耳 stroke order diagram
耳 stroke order animation


欲聋 zhèn ěr yù lóng ear-splitting (idiom); deafening
旁风 ěr páng fēng lit. wind past your ear; fig. sth you don't pay much attention to; in one ear and out the other
聋 ěr lóng deaf
shùn ěr pleasing to the ear
鸣 ěr míng tinnitus
交头接 jiāo tóu jiē ěr to whisper to one another's ear
背 ěr bèi to be hearing impaired
熟能详 ěr shú néng xiáng what's frequently heard can be repeated in detail (idiom)
膜 ěr mó eardrum; tympanum (of the middle ear); tympanic membrane
盗铃 yǎn ěr dào líng lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell; to deceive oneself; to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)
顺风 shùn fēng ěr sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction); fig. a well-informed person
他 mǎ ěr tā Malta
如雷贯 rú léi guàn ěr lit. like thunder piercing the ear; a well-known reputation (idiom)
濡目染 ěr rú mù rǎn to be influenced
cè ěr to bend an ear (to); to listen
鼓 ěr gǔ eardrum; tympanum (of the middle ear); tympanic membrane
nì ěr unpleasant to hear; grates on the ear (of home truths)
面红赤 miàn hóng ěr chì flushed with anger (or excitement)
不绝于 bù jué yú ěr (of sound) to never stop; to fall incessantly on the ear; to linger on
zhōng ěr middle ear
刮子 ěr guā zi (coll.) a slap on one's face; a cuff
炎 zhōng ěr yán inflammation of middle ear; otitis media
聪目明 ěr cōng mù míng sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom); keen and alert; perceptive
wài ěr outer ear
道 wài ěr dào external auditory meatus; auditory canal, between the outer ear 外耳 and tympanum 鼓膜