


耙 pá
  • a rake
耙 bà
  • a hoe
  • to harrow


耙 stroke order diagram
耙 stroke order animation


子 pá zi a rake
dīng pá rake
九齿钉 jiǔ chǐ dīng pá The Nine-Toothed Rake (weapon of Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1 jie4])
九齒釘 jiǔ chǐ dīng pá The Nine-Toothed Rake (weapon of Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1 jie4])
倒打一 dào dǎ yī pá lit. to strike with a muckrake (idiom), cf Pigsy 豬八戒|猪八戒 in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记; fig. to counterattack; to make bogus accusations (against one's victim)
木齿 mù chǐ pá a rake (with wooden teeth)
木齒 mù chǐ pá a rake (with wooden teeth)
fèn pá manure rake
fèn pá manure rake
地 bà dì to harrow; to break the ground with a hoe
耳朵 pā ěr duo (dialect) henpecked; to be under one's wife's thumb
cǎo pá a rake
dīng pá rake
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