practice; flapping wings


  • practice
  • flapping wings
  • surname Xi
  • to practice
  • to study
  • habit


使慣 shǐ xí guàn to accustom
xiū xí to study; to practice
chuán xí teaching and learning; to study and impart
刻苦學 kè kǔ xué xí to study hard; assiduous
好好學,天天向上 hǎo hǎo xué xí , tiān tiān xiàng shàng study hard and every day you will improve (idiom)
xué xí to learn; to study
刻苦 xué xí kè kǔ to study hard; assiduous
時報 xué xí shí bào Study Times, journal of the Central Party School 中央黨校|中央党校[Zhong1 yang1 Dang3 xiao4]
官僚氣 guān liáo xí qì (derog.) bureaucracy; red tape
shí xí to practice; field work; to intern; internship
生 shí xí sheng intern (student)
fù xí to review; revision; CL:次[ci4]; variant of 復習|复习[fu4 xi2]
è xí bad habit; vice
抓緊學 zhuā jǐn xué xí to concentrate on studying hard
染風俗 rǎn fēng xí sú bad habits; to get into bad habits through long custom
民間俗 mín jiān xí sú folk customs
深度學 shēn dù xué xí deep learning (artificial intelligence)
wēn xí to review (a lesson etc)
yǎn xí maneuver; exercise; practice; to maneuver
shú xí to understand profoundly; well-versed; skillful; practiced; to have the knack
gù xí inveterate habit
相沿成 xiāng yán chéng xí well established; accepted as a result of long usage
看不慣 kàn bù xí guàn unfamiliar
yán xí research and study
jī xí old habit (usually bad); inbred custom; deep-rooted practice
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