HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1088th character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2498 |
green; chlorine
绿 lǜ |

绿色 lǜ sè | green |
绿灯 lǜ dēng | green light |
绿卡 lǜ kǎ | permanent residency permit (originally referred specifically to the US green card) |
绿洲 lǜ zhōu | oasis |
绿茶 lǜ chá | green tea |
绿叶 lǜ yè | (fig.) actor playing a supporting role |
绿帽子 lǜ mào zi | cuckold |
红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng | traffic light; traffic signal |
绿豆 lǜ dòu | mung bean |
绿地 lǜ dì | green area (e.g. urban park or garden) |
绿林 lù lín | place in Hubei, the starting point for a major rebellion at the end of Western Han; also pr. [Lu:4 lin2] |
翠绿 cuì lǜ | greenish-blue; emerald green |
绿宝石 lǜ bǎo shí | beryl |
碧绿 bì lǜ | dark green |
黄绿色 huáng lǜ sè | yellow green |
灯红酒绿 dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ | lanterns red, wine green (idiom); feasting and pleasure-seeking; debauched and corrupt environment |
绿化 lǜ huà | to make green with plants; to reforest; (Internet slang) Islamization |
常绿树 cháng lǜ shù | evergreen tree |
绿党 lǜ dǎng | worldwide green parties |
祖母绿 zǔ mǔ lǜ | emerald |
开绿灯 kāi lǜ dēng | to give the green light; to give the go-ahead |
墨绿色 mò lǜ sè | dark or deep green |
红男绿女 hóng nán lǜ nǚ | young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idiom) |
绿松石 lǜ sōng shí | turquoise (gemstone) |
绿林好汉 lǜ lín hǎo hàn | true hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in Robin Hood style) |