spin; achievements

HSK 3 #1547


绩 jì
  • to spin (hemp etc)
  • merit
  • accomplishment
  • Taiwan pr. [ji1]



chéng jì achievement; performance records; grades; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]
单 chéng jì dān school report or transcript
yè jì achievement; accomplishment; (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc); results
zhàn jì military successes; (fig.) success; accomplishment
gōng jì feat; contribution; merits and achievements
效 jì xiào performance; results; achievement
丰功伟 fēng gōng wěi jì glorious achievement (idiom)
bài jì to be utterly defeated; to be routed
jiā jì good result; success
wěi jì great acts
zhèng jì (political) achievements; track record
xūn jì exploit
卓然 chéng jì zhuó rán to achieve astounding results (idiom)
未来业 wèi lái yè jì future yield (of investment)
优股 jì yōu gǔ gilt-edged stock; blue chip stock
溪 jì xī Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui
溪县 jì xī xiàn Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui
kǎo jì to check up on sb's achievements
关键效指标 guān jiàn jì xiào zhǐ biāo key performance indicator (KPI)
学习成 xué xí chéng jì academic performance; study results
考试成 kǎo shì chéng jì exam results; test scores; grades on exams
考核成 kǎo hé chéng jì performance evaluation results; assessment grades
yīn jì Yin Ji (a personal name); in this context, refers to the character in the sentence
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