
twist, wring; intertwine; winch



  • twist, wring
  • intertwine
  • winch
  • to twist (strands into a thread)
  • to entangle
  • to wring
  • to hang (by the neck)
  • to turn
  • to wind
  • classifier for skeins of yarn



死 jiǎo sǐ to hang (i.e. execute by hanging); to strangle
刑 jiǎo xíng to execute by hanging
尽脑汁 jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī to rack one's brains
盘 jiǎo pán capstan
刑架 jiǎo xíng jià gibbet; hanging post
痛 xīn jiǎo tòng angina
架 jiǎo jià gallows; gibbet
痛 jiǎo tòng sharp pain; cramp; griping pain; colic; angina, cf 心絞痛|心绞痛
索 jiǎo suǒ a noose for hanging criminals
肉机 jiǎo ròu jī meat grinder
车 jiǎo chē winch; windlass
线 shuāng jiǎo xiàn unshielded twisted pair; UTP
心如刀 xīn rú dāo jiǎo to feel a pain like a knife being twisted in one's heart (idiom)
刀 jiǎo dāo reamer
扭 jiǎo niǔ to wring
缢 jiǎo yì to be hanged; to hang oneself
肉 jiǎo ròu minced meat
股蓝 jiǎo gǔ lán jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum)
脑汁 jiǎo nǎo zhī to rack one's brains
腹部痛 fù bù jiǎo tòng abdominal cramping
胆石痛 dǎn shí jiǎo tòng gallstone colic
断 jiǎo duàn strangle and break; to twist off
去 dì jiǎo qù to twist off like a fierce beast's claws with fear and panic
碎 jiǎo suì to crush into pieces; to mangle
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