
fine, delicate; minute; graceful


纖 xiān
  • fine
  • delicate
  • minute


密 xiān mì close; fine; intricate
小 xiān xiǎo fine; delicate
屑 xiān xiè fine detail
巧 xiān qiǎo delicate; dainty
度 xiān dù size
弱 xiān ruò fragile; delicate
微 xiān wēi slight; slim
悉 xiān xī detailed; fine and meticulous
悉無遺 xiān xī wú yí detailed and nothing left out (idiom); meticulous and comprehensive; not missing an iota
手 xiān shǒu delicate hands; woman's tender and soft hands
柔 xiān róu delicate; fine
毛 xiān máo cilium
毛動力蛋白 xiān máo dòng lì dàn bái ciliary dynein protein
瘦 xiān shòu slender; slim as a thread
細 xiān xì fine; slim; tender
維 xiān wéi fiber; CL:種|种[zhong3]
維叢 xiān wéi cóng fiber bundle (math.)
維囊泡症 xiān wéi náng pào zhèng cystic fibrosis
維狀 xiān wéi zhuàng fibrous
維素 xiān wéi sù cellulose
維肌痛 xiān wéi jī tòng fibromyalgia
維膠 xiān wéi jiāo viscose
維蛋白 xiān wéi dàn bái fibrous protein
xiān xiān slim; slender
美 xiān měi exquisite; delicate and beautiful