continue, maintain, carry on


  • continue, maintain, carry on
  • to continue
  • to follow after
  • to go on with
  • to succeed
  • to inherit
  • then
  • afterwards


zhōng jì to relay; to repeat
器 zhōng jì qì repeater
站 zhōng jì zhàn relay station
資料 zhōng jì zī liào metadata
chū jì to become adopted as heir
前仆後 qián pū hòu jì one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping into the breach to replace fallen comrades; advancing wave upon wave
前赴後 qián fù hòu jì to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)
多端中器 duō duān zhōng jì qì multiport repeater
夜以日 yè yǐ jì rì night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort
承人 nǚ jì chéng rén inheritress
海 sūn jì hǎi Sun Jihai (1977-), Chinese footballer, played for Manchester City (2002-2008)
幀中 zhēn zhōng jì frame relay
乏人 hòu jì fá rén see 後繼無人|后继无人[hou4 ji4 wu2 ren2]
有人 hòu jì yǒu rén to have qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
無人 hòu jì wú rén to have no qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking
畬 xú jì yú Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer
光 qī jì guāng Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), military leader
chéng jì adoption (e.g. of a nephew as a son); to inherit
焚膏晷 fén gāo jì guǐ to burn the midnight oil (idiom); to work continuously night and day
xiāng jì in succession; following closely
任 jì rèn to succeed sb in a job; successor
任者 jì rèn zhě successor
位 jì wèi to succeed to the throne
嗣 jì sì to continue; to continue a family line; posterity; heir
女 jì nǚ stepdaughter; CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2]
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