yáo zhòu yóu

reason, cause



繇 yáo
  • folk-song
  • forced labor
繇 zhòu
  • interpretations of the trigrams
繇 yóu
  • cause
  • means


繇 stroke order diagram
繇 stroke order animation


张僧 zhāng sēng yóu Zhang Sengyou (active c. 490-540), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six Dynasties 六朝四大家
張僧 zhāng sēng yóu Zhang Sengyou (active c. 490-540), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six Dynasties 六朝四大家
自在 zì yóu zì zai free and easy (idiom); carefree; leisurely
zhōng yáo Zhong Yao (151-230), minister of Cao Wei 曹魏[Cao2 Wei4] and noted calligrapher, said to have developed the regular script 楷書|楷书[kai3 shu1]
zhōng yáo Zhong Yao (151-230), minister of Cao Wei 曹魏[Cao2 Wei4] and noted calligrapher, said to have developed the regular script 楷書|楷书[kai3 shu1]
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