jiū liáo liào móu miào liǎo miù

wind around, bind; prepare


繆 móu
  • to wind round
繆 mù
  • old variant of 穆[mu4]
繆 miào
  • surname Miao
  • mu (Greek letter Μμ)
繆 liǎo
  • old variant of 繚|缭[liao3]
繆 miù
  • variant of 謬|谬[miu4]
  • error
  • erroneous


爾 sāi miù ěr Samuel (name)
爾・約翰遜 sāi miù ěr ・ yuē hàn xùn Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) or Dr Johnson, English writer and lexicographer
bèi miù variant of 悖謬|悖谬[bei4 miu4]
未雨綢 wèi yǔ chóu móu lit. before it rains, bind around with silk (idiom, from Book of Songs 詩經|诗经); fig. to plan ahead; to prepare for a rainy day
pī miù error; mistake
chóu móu to be sentimentally attached to sb or sth
巧 miù qiǎo plan; scheme; intelligent; quick-witted
思 miù sī variant of 繆斯|缪斯[Miu4 si1]
斯 miù sī Muse (Greek mythology)
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