
delicate, fine; dense


  • delicate, fine
  • dense
  • fine
  • delicate
  • to send
  • to devote
  • to deliver
  • to cause
  • to convey


bié zhì unusual; unique; variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4]
和氣祥 hé qì zhì xiáng (idiom) amiability leads to harmony
jiān zhì robust and fine textured
mì zhì dense; close spaced
jīng zhì delicate; fine; exquisite; refined
xì zhì delicate; fine; careful; meticulous; painstaking
密 zhì mì fine; dense; compact
畸 zhì jī producing abnormality; leading to genetic malformation; teratogenic
luó zhì to employ; to recruit (talented personnel); to gather together (a team)
yì zhì carefree; in the mood for enjoyment
雅人深 yǎ rén shēn zhì refined pleasure of poetic minds
yùn zhì grace; natural charm
lì zhì Ritz (hotel chain)
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