
ripped seam, rend, crack


  • ripped seam, rend, crack
  • to burst open
  • to split at the seam


皮開肉 pí kāi ròu zhàn flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)
pò zhàn hole or tear in cloth; mistake or gap in a speech or theory
百出 pò zhàn bǎi chū lit. one hundred splits (idiom); fig. full of mistakes (of speech or written article)
shā zhàn spindle
放 zhàn fàng to blossom
破 zhàn pò to burst; to split
線 zhàn xiàn to have a ripped seam
裂 zhàn liè to split open; to split apart
開 zhàn kāi to burst forth
露 zhàn lù to appear (formal)
賣破 mài pò zhàn to feign an opening in order to hoodwink the opponent (in a fight, combat etc)
kāi zhàn to come unsewn
bǎo zhàn to swell to bursting (after having eaten too much)
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