
maintain, preserve, safeguard


維 wéi
  • abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]
  • surname Wei
  • to preserve
  • to maintain
  • to hold together
  • dimension
  • vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4])


yī wéi one-dimensional (math.)
sān wéi three-dimensional; 3D
空間 sān wéi kōng jiān three-dimensional space; 3D
不敢恭 bù gǎn gōng wei to be underwhelmed; to be less than impressed
世界吾爾代表大會 shì jiè wéi wú ěr dài biǎo dà huì World Uighur Congress
會 shì wéi huì abbr. for 世界維吾爾代表大會|世界维吾尔代表大会[Shi4 jie4 Wei2 wu2 er3 Dai4 biao3 Da4 hui4]; World Uighur Congress
中密度纖板 zhōng mì dù xiān wéi bǎn medium-density fiberboard (MDF); abbr. to 中纖板|中纤板[zhong1 xian1 ban3]
中華蘇埃共和國 zhōng huá sū wéi āi gòng hé guó Chinese Soviet Republic (1931-1937)
中間纖 zhōng jiān xiān wéi intermediate filament
èr wéi two-dimensional
碼 èr wéi mǎ two-dimensional barcode; QR code
亞努科奇 yà nǔ kē wéi qí Viktor Feyedov Yanukovych (1950-) Ukrainian politician
人造纖 rén zào xiān wéi synthetic fiber
dī wéi low-dimensional (math.)
光導纖 guāng dǎo xiān wéi optical fiber
拉 kè wéi lā Kevlar
利伯爾 lì bó wéi ěr Libreville, capital of Gabon
夫 lè wéi fu Lviv (Lvov), town in western Ukraine
納斯 lè wéi nà sī Levinas (philosopher)
化學纖 huà xué xiān wéi synthetic fiber; chemical fiber
卡納拉爾角 kǎ nà wéi lā ěr jiǎo Cape Canaveral, Florida, home of Kennedy space center 肯尼迪航天中心[Ken3 ni2 di2 Hang2 tian1 Zhong1 xin1]
卡納爾角 kǎ nà wéi ěr jiǎo Cape Canaveral, Florida
原纖 yuán xiān wéi fibril; protofilament
合成纖 hé chéng xiān wéi synthetic fiber
咸與新 xián yù wéi xīn everyone participates in reforms (idiom); to replace the old with new; to reform and start afresh
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