jīng jing

classic works; pass through


經 jīng
  • surname Jing
  • classics
  • sacred book
  • scripture
  • to pass through
  • to undergo
  • to bear
  • to endure
  • warp (textile)
  • longitude
  • menstruation
  • channel (TCM)
  • abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]


tú jīng to pass through; via; by way of
tōng jīng conversant with the Confucian classics; to stimulate menstrual flow (TCM)
過去驗 guò qu jīng yàn past experience
道德 dào dé jīng the Book of Dao by Laozi or Lao-Tze, the sacred text of Daoism
醫療驗 yī liáo jīng yàn medical expertise
shì jīng exegesis; explanation of classic text
長三角濟區 cháng sān jiǎo jīng jì qū Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (economic region including Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu)
長江三角洲濟區 cháng jiāng sān jiǎo zhōu jīng jì qū Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (economic region including Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu)
長江濟帶 cháng jiāng jīng jì dài Yangtze River Economic Belt
bì jīng amenorrhoea
集體濟 jí tǐ jīng jì collective economy
叛道 lí jīng pàn dào to rebel against orthodoxy; to depart from established practices
nàn jīng Classic on Medical Problems, c. 1st century AD; abbr. for 黃帝八十一難經|黄帝八十一难经[Huang2 di4 Ba1 shi2 yi1 Nan4 jing1]
靈樞 líng shū jīng the Divine Pivot or Spiritual Pivot, ancient Chinese medical text
青囊 qīng náng jīng Qingnang Jing, a book on medical practice written by 華佗|华佗[Hua4 Tuo2]
憂患 bǎo jīng yōu huàn having experienced much suffering
滄桑 bǎo jīng cāng sāng having lived through many changes
風霜 bǎo jīng fēng shuāng weather-beaten; having experienced the hardships of life
首都濟貿易大學 shǒu dū jīng jì mào yì dà xué Capital University of Economics and Business (Beijing)
首都貿大學 shǒu dū jīng mào dà xué Capital University of Business and Economics, Beijing
mǎ jīng form (horse racing)
高麗八萬大藏 gāo lí bā wàn dà zàng jīng Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea
高麗大藏 gāo lí dà zàng jīng Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea
lín jīng another name for the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋
黃帝內 huáng dì nèi jīng The Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, medical text c. 300 BC