jīng jing

classic works; pass through


經 jīng
  • surname Jing
  • classics
  • sacred book
  • scripture
  • to pass through
  • to undergo
  • to bear
  • to endure
  • warp (textile)
  • longitude
  • menstruation
  • channel (TCM)
  • abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]


錦 jīng jǐn warp brocade; woven fabric with single colored woof but many-colored warp
閉 jīng bì amenorrhoea
陸路 jīng lù lù overland
驗 jīng yàn experience; to experience
驗主義 jīng yàn zhǔ yì empiricism
驗豐富 jīng yàn fēng fù experienced; with ample experience
縱神索 zòng shén jīng suǒ longitudinal nerve cord
理 zǒng jīng lǐ general manager; CEO
總體濟學 zǒng tǐ jīng jì xué macroeconomics (Tw)
luó jīng compass; same as 羅盤|罗盘
聖哉 shèng zāi jīng Sanctus (section of Catholic mass)
shèng jīng Holy Bible; the Confucian classics; CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]
外傳 shèng jīng wài zhuàn Apocrypha; biography external to the classics
段落 shèng jīng duàn luò Bible passage
賢傳 shèng jīng xián zhuàn lit. holy scripture and biography of sage (idiom); refers to Confucian canonical texts
脊骨神醫學 jǐ gǔ shén jīng yī xué chiropractic
腦神 nǎo shén jīng cranial nerves
自主神系統 zì zhǔ shén jīng xì tǒng autonomic nervous system
自律神系統 zì lǜ shén jīng xì tǒng autonomic nervous system
自然濟 zì rán jīng jì natural economy (exchange of goods by bartering not involving money)
zì jīng (literary) to hang oneself
般若波羅密多心 bō rě bō luó mì duō xīn jīng the Heart Sutra
苦心營 kǔ xīn jīng yíng to build up an enterprise through painstaking efforts
chá jīng the Classic of Tea, first monograph ever on tea and its culture, written by 陸羽|陆羽[Lu4 Yu3] between 760-780
荒怪不 huāng guài bù jīng absurd; unthinkable