
govern, command, control; unite


  • govern, command, control
  • unite
  • to gather
  • to unite
  • to unify
  • whole


yī tǒng to unify; unified
下寒武 xià hán wǔ tǒng lower Cambrian series (geological strata from approx 530 million years ago)
不合體 bù hé tǐ tǒng not according with decorum; scandalous; bad form; unacceptable behavior
不成體 bù chéng tǐ tǒng not according with decorum (idiom); scandalous; bad form; unacceptable behavior
中日韓一表意文字 zhōng rì hán tǒng yī biǎo yì wén zì China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs; Unihan
中樞神經系 zhōng shū shén jīng xì tǒng central nervous system, CNS
人口計學 rén kǒu tǒng jì xué population studies; population statistics
作業系 zuò yè xì tǒng operating system (Tw)
供油系 gōng yóu xì tǒng fuel supply system; lubricating system
保險解開系 bǎo xiǎn jiě kāi xì tǒng arming system
信息系 xìn xī xì tǒng information system
傳動系 chuán dòng xì tǒng transmission system; power drive
chuán tǒng tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:個|个[ge4]
中國醫藥 chuán tǒng zhōng guó yī yào Chinese traditional medicine
詞類 chuán tǒng cí lèi traditional parts of speech (grammar)
醫藥 chuán tǒng yī yào Chinese traditional medicine
免疫系 miǎn yì xì tǒng immune system
內容管理系 nèi róng guǎn lǐ xì tǒng content management system (CMS) (Internet)
全新 quán xīn tǒng holocene system (geological strata laid down during the last 12000 years)
全球位置測定系 quán qiú wèi zhì cè dìng xì tǒng GPS (Global Positioning System)
全球定位系 quán qiú dìng wèi xì tǒng global positioning system (GPS)
全球衛星導航系 quán qiú wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelinaya Sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), the Russian equivalent of GPS; abbr. to 格洛納斯|格洛纳斯
分系 fēn xì tǒng subsystem
前總 qián zǒng tǒng former president
副總 fù zǒng tǒng vice-president
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