chù xu

waste cotton, raw silk or cotton



絮 xù
  • cotton wadding
  • fig. padding
  • long-winded


絮 stroke order diagram
絮 stroke order animation


金玉其外,败其中 jīn yù qí wài , bài xù qí zhōng gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside (idiom)
金玉其外,敗其中 jīn yù qí wài , bài xù qí zhōng gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside (idiom)
金玉其表,败其中 jīn yù qí biǎo , bài xù qí zhōng gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside (idiom)
金玉其表,敗其中 jīn yù qí biǎo , bài xù qí zhōng gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside (idiom)
má xù hemp wadding