
knot, tie; join, connect


結 jié
  • knot
  • sturdy
  • bond
  • to tie
  • to bind
  • to check out (of a hotel)
結 jiē
  • (of a plant) to produce (fruit or seeds)
  • Taiwan pr. [jie2]


行將束 xíng jiāng jié shù approaching the end; about to conclude
詞素構 cí sù jié gòu morphological structure
調查果 diào chá jié guǒ results (of an investigation, poll)
資料鏈層 zī liào liàn jié céng data link layer
超連 chāo lián jié (Tw) hyperlink
超鏈 chāo liàn jié (Tw) hyperlink
lián jié variant of 聯結|联结[lian2 jie2]
主義 lián jié zhǔ yì connectionism
線 lián jié xiàn tie (music)
晶 chóng jié jīng to recrystallize
錯覺合 cuò jué jié hé illusory conjunction
核 měng jié hé manganese nodule
liàn jié link
閃電式婚 shǎn diàn shì jié hūn lightning wedding; to get married on the spur of the moment; abbr. to 閃婚|闪婚
腸 jiàng jié cháng descending colon (anatomy); third section of large intestine
jí jié to assemble; to concentrate; to mass; to build up; to marshal
lǐng jié bow tie; loop of a necktie; lavaliere
suǐ jié pith knot (in timber)
yù jié to suffer from pent-up frustrations; mental knot; emotional issue
nián jié to cohere; to bind
語法構 yǔ fǎ jié gòu grammar structure; the rules and principles governing the arrangement of words in a sentence or the formation of sentences in a language