class; section, department


組 zǔ
  • surname Zu
  • to form
  • to organize
  • group
  • team
  • classifier for sets, series, groups of people, batteries


交換 fēn zǔ jiāo huàn packet switching
分裂織 fēn liè zǔ zhī separatist organization; meristem (botany)
jù zǔ cast and crew; performers and production team
包乘 bāo chéng zǔ chartering charge
包承 bāo chéng zǔ (responsible) crew
北大西洋公約織 běi dà xī yáng gōng yuē zǔ zhī North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO
固定詞 gù dìng cí zǔ set phrase
國際刑事警察織 guó jì xíng shì jǐng chá zǔ zhī International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)
國際刑警織 guó jì xíng jǐng zǔ zhī Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization)
國際勞工織 guó jì láo gōng zǔ zhī International Labor Organization
國際標準化織 guó jì biāo zhǔn huà zǔ zhī International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
國際民航織 guó jì mín háng zǔ zhī International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
國際民間織 guó jì mín jiān zǔ zhī international humanitarian organization
國際海事織 guó jì hǎi shì zǔ zhī International Maritime Organization
國際特赦織 guó jì tè shè zǔ zhī Amnesty International
國際貨幣基金織 guó jì huò bì jī jīn zǔ zhī International Monetary Fund (IMF)
基因 jī yīn zǔ genome
基地恐怖織 jī dì kǒng bù zǔ zhī Al-Qaeda; same as 基地組織|基地组织
基地織 jī dì zǔ zhī Al-Qaeda
多晶片模 duō jīng piàn mó zǔ multi-chip module (MCM)
多項式方程 duō xiàng shì fāng chéng zǔ (math.) system of polynomial equations
奧林匹克運動會織委員會 ào lín pǐ kè yùn dòng huì zǔ zhī wěi yuán huì Olympic Organizing Committee; abbr. to 奧組委|奥组委
委 ào zǔ wěi Olympic organizing committee; abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會組織委員會|奥林匹克运动会组织委员会
zì zǔ block (of data); code word
定額 dìng é zǔ quorum