fine, tiny; slender, thin


細 xì
  • thin or slender
  • finely particulate
  • thin and soft
  • fine
  • delicate
  • trifling
  • (of a sound) quiet
  • frugal


分 xì fēn subdivision; segmentation
則 xì zé detailed rules and regulations; bylaws
化 xì huà to give a more granular level of detail; to elaborate; to refine; to become more differentiated
化管理 xì huà guǎn lǐ micromanagement
嘴短趾百靈 xì zuǐ duǎn zhǐ bǎi líng (bird species of China) Hume's short-toed lark (Calandrella acutirostris)
嘴鷗 xì zuǐ ōu (bird species of China) slender-billed gull (Chroicocephalus genei)
嘴黃鸝 xì zuǐ huáng lí (bird species of China) slender-billed oriole (Oriolus tenuirostris)
嚼慢嚥 xì jiáo màn yàn to eat slowly (idiom)
大不捐 xì dà bù juān not to discard anything, whether small or big (idiom); all-embracing
姨 xì yí concubine
嫩 xì nèn tender
密 xì mì fine (texture); meticulous; close (analysis); detailed
察 xì chá to observe carefully
小 xì xiǎo tiny; fine; minute
尾獴 xì wěi měng meerkat; see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]
微 xì wēi tiny; minute; fine; subtle; sensitive (instruments)
微末節 xì wēi mò jié tiny insignificant details; niceties
心 xì xīn careful; attentive
挑 xì tiāo slender
支氣管炎 xì zhī qì guǎn yán bronchiolitis
數 xì shǔ countdown; breakdown; to list; to enumerate; to run through
明體 xì míng tǐ Mincho narrow font
枝末節 xì zhī mò jié minor details; trifles
毛 xì máo fuzz; fine fur (of marten etc)
水長流 xì shuǐ cháng liú lit. thin streams flow forever; fig. economy will get you a long way; to work steadily at something little by little