white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally

HSK 5 #661


  • white (silk)
  • plain
  • vegetarian
  • formerly
  • normally
  • raw silk
  • white
  • plain, unadorned
  • vegetarian (food)
  • essence
  • nature
  • element
  • constituent
  • usually
  • always
  • ever



血紅 xuè hóng sù hemoglobin
血色沉积症 xuè sè sù chén jī zhèng hemochromatosis
血色沉積症 xuè sè sù chén jī zhèng hemochromatosis
血蓝 xuè lán sù hemocyanin (protein in the blood of molluscs etc with a respiratory function similar to hemoglobin)
血藍 xuè lán sù hemocyanin (protein in the blood of molluscs etc with a respiratory function similar to hemoglobin)
表皮剥脱 biǎo pí bō tuō sù exotoxin
表皮剝脫 biǎo pí bō tuō sù exotoxin
裂变同位 liè biàn tóng wèi sù fissile isotope
裂變同位 liè biàn tóng wèi sù fissile isotope
复合词词 fù hé cí sù cí polymorphemic
複合詞詞 fù hé cí sù cí polymorphemic
jīn sù one's true heart
角质 jiǎo zhì sù keratin
角質 jiǎo zhì sù keratin
cí sù morpheme
cí sù morpheme
结构 cí sù jié gòu morphological structure
結構 cí sù jié gòu morphological structure
通达模型 cí sù tōng dá mó xíng morpheme access model (MA model)
通達模型 cí sù tōng dá mó xíng morpheme access model (MA model)
yǔ sù language component; morpheme; individual characters (making up an expression)
yǔ sù language component; morpheme; individual characters (making up an expression)
护发 hù fà sù hair conditioner
護髮 hù fà sù hair conditioner
zhì sù (high) quality