
line, streak, stripe; wrinkle


紋 wén
  • line
  • trace
  • mark
  • pattern
  • grain (of wood etc)


柳鶯 guān wén liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Claudia's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus claudiae)
āo wén die (printing, metalwork etc)
刺花 cì huā wén to tattoo
píng wén plain weave
zhǐ wén fingerprint; the arches, loops and whorls on the fingers
bān wén stripe; streak
織 xié wén zhī twill weave
軟呢 xié wén ruǎn ní tweed
有條 yǒu tiáo wén striped
tiáo wén stripe
噪鶥 tiáo wén zào méi (bird species of China) striated laughingthrush (Garrulax striatus)
橫稜 héng léng wén crosswise pattern
héng wén horizontal stripe; striation
肌 héng wén jī striated muscle
shuǐ wén ripples
法令 fǎ lìng wén nasolabial fold; smile lines; laugh lines
bō wén ripple; corrugation
岩 liú wén yán rhyolite (extrusive igneous rock, chemically equivalent to granite)
zhòu wén wrinkle; CL:道[dao4]
噪鶥 yǎn wén zào méi (bird species of China) spotted laughingthrush (Garrulax ocellatus)
黃山雀 yǎn wén huáng shān què (bird species of China) Himalayan black-lored tit (Machlolophus xanthogenys)
草鶥 máo wén cǎo méi (bird species of China) Chinese babax (Babax lanceolatus)
xiào wén laugh lines (on the face)
刺 wén cì to tattoo
喉鳳鶥 wén hóu fèng méi (bird species of China) stripe-throated yuhina (Yuhina gularis)
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