
treaty, agreement, covenant


約 yuē
  • to make an appointment
  • to invite
  • approximately
  • pact
  • treaty
  • to economize
  • to restrict
  • to reduce (a fraction)
  • concise
約 yāo
  • to weigh in a balance or on a scale


dì yuē to conclude a treaty
國 dì yuē guó signatory states; countries that are party to a treaty
方 dì yuē fāng party in a contract, treaty etc
suō yuē contraction (in grammar); abbreviation
xù yuē to renew or extend a contract
shèng yuē covenant
瑟夫 shèng yuē sè fū Saint Joseph
翰 shèng yuē hàn Saint John
翰斯 shèng yuē hàn sī St John's, capital of Labrador and Newfoundland province, Canada
聯合國氣候變化框架公 lián hé guó qì hòu biàn huà kuàng jià gōng yuē United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
聯合國海洋法公 lián hé guó hǎi yáng fǎ gōng yuē United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
bèi yuē to break an agreement; to go back on one's word; to fail to keep one's promise
自奉儉 zì fèng jiǎn yuē to live frugally (idiom)
jiù yuē Old Testament; former agreement; former contract
全書 jiù yuē quán shū Old Testament
yāo yuè to restrict; to agree to a contract; offer; bid
guī yuē terms (of an agreement)
jiě yuē to terminate an agreement; to cancel a contract
指明 cí yuē zhǐ míng concise but unambiguous (idiom)
shì yuē oath; vow; pledge; promise
語言誓 yǔ yán shì yuē language pledge (to speak only the target language in a language school)
fù yuē to keep an appointment
jiàn yuē to keep a promise; to honor an agreement
辛丑條 xīn chǒu tiáo yuē Boxer Protocol of 1901 signed in Beijing, ending the Eight-power Allied Force intervention after the Boxer uprising
tōng yuē common measure