
investigate, inspect


糾 jiū
  • old variant of 糾|纠[jiu1]
  • to gather together
  • to investigate
  • to entangle
  • to correct


tán jiū to accuse; to impeach
偏 jiū piān to correct an error
合 jiū hé gathering; a get-together
察 jiū chá to maintain order; steward (policing a meeting)
彈 jiū tán to censure; to denounce; to impeach
正 jiū zhèng to correct; to make right
眾 jiū zhòng to muster; to gather a crowd
紛 jiū fēn dispute
結 jiū jié to intertwine; to band together (with); to link up (with); twisted; tangled; confused; to be at a loss
纏 jiū chán to be in a tangle; to nag
纏不清 jiū chán bù qīng hopelessly muddled; impossible to unravel
葛 jiū gé entanglement; dispute
錯 jiū cuò to correct an error
集 jiū jí to gather together; to muster
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