
sediment, dregs; pickle

HSK 5 #1918


  • sediment, dregs
  • pickle
  • dregs
  • draff
  • pickled in wine
  • rotten
  • messy
  • ruined


糟 stroke order diagram
糟 stroke order animation


溜黄鱼片 zāo liū huáng yú piàn stir-fried yellow fish filet
溜黃魚片 zāo liū huáng yú piàn stir-fried yellow fish filet
糠 zāo kāng chaff, husks, distillers' dregs etc (food eaten by the poor); (fig.) rubbish; junk; (abbr. for 糟糠妻[zao1 kang1 qi1]) wife who goes through the hardships of poverty with her husband
糠妻 zāo kāng qī wife who goes through the hardships of poverty with her husband
践 zāo jian to waste; to spoil; to destroy; to insult grievously
踐 zāo jian to waste; to spoil; to destroy; to insult grievously
透 zāo tòu in a bad state; horrible; dreadful; entirely regrettable
鼻 jiǔ zāo bí rosacea (dermatological condition of the face and nose); brandy nose
láo zāo sweet fermented rice; glutinous rice wine
gèng zāo 'worse'; 'more miserable'