
parched wheat or rice; broken grain



  • parched wheat or rice
  • broken grain
  • surname Qiu
  • dry rations (for a journey)
  • (dialect) (of noodles etc) to become mush (from overcooking)
  • (coll.) embarrassing
  • embarrassment


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chū qiǔ (coll.) to have sth embarrassing happen
事 qiǔ shì awkward incident
粮 qiǔ liáng dry rations
糧 qiǔ liáng dry rations
羹藜含 gēng lí hán qiǔ nothing but herb soup and dry provisions to eat (idiom); to survive on a coarse diet; à la guerre comme à la guerre
羹藜唅 gēng lí hān qiǔ nothing but herb soup and dry provisions to eat (idiom); to survive on a coarse diet; à la guerre comme à la guerre
茹草 fàn qiǔ rú cǎo lit. to live on dry provisions and wild herbs (idiom); fig. to live in abject poverty
茹草 fàn qiǔ rú cǎo lit. to live on dry provisions and wild herbs (idiom); fig. to live in abject poverty
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