chóu táo

chip, tally, token; raise money


籌 chóu
  • chip (in gambling)
  • token (for counting)
  • ticket
  • to prepare
  • to plan
  • to raise (funds)
  • resource
  • means


莫展 yī chóu mò zhǎn to be unable to find a solution; to be at wits' end
略勝一 lüè shèng yī chóu slightly better; a cut above
zhòng chóu crowdfunding
備 chóu bèi preparations; to get ready for sth
出 chóu chū to plan out; to prepare
劃 chóu huà to plan and prepare
募 chóu mù to raise funds; to collect money
商 chóu shāng to discuss (a plan); to negotiate (an outcome)
委會 chóu wěi huì organizing committee
子 chóu zi chip; counter
建 chóu jiàn to prepare to build sth
思 chóu sī to ponder a solution; to consider (the best move, how to find a way etc)
拍 chóu pāi to prepare to film; to plan a shoot
措 chóu cuò to raise (money)
款 chóu kuǎn fundraising
略 chóu lüè astute; resourceful
畫 chóu huà variant of 籌劃|筹划[chou2 hua4]
碼 chóu mǎ bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token
算 chóu suàn to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board); to count beads; fig. to budget; to plan (an investment)
謀 chóu móu to work out a strategy; to come up with a plan for
議 chóu yì to discuss (a plan)
資 chóu zī to raise resources
辦 chóu bàn to arrange; to make preparations
錢 chóu qián to raise money
集 chóu jí to collect money; to raise funds
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