
register, account book, notebook



簿 bù
  • a book
  • a register
  • account-book


簿 stroke order diagram
簿 stroke order animation


电话簿 diàn huà bù telephone directory
支票簿 zhī piào bù checkbook (banking)
记事簿 jì shì bù a memo book (recording events)
簿公堂 duì bù gōng táng public courtroom accusation (idiom); legal confrontation; to take sb to court; to sue
簿 zhàng bù an account book; a ledger
留言簿 liú yán bù visitor's book; CL:本[ben3]
户口簿 hù kǒu bù household register
簿记 bù jì bookkeeping
簿 zhǔ bù official registrar (of a county etc) in imperial China
像片簿 xiàng piàn bù album; photo album; sketch book
剪贴簿 jiǎn tiē bù scrapbook
剪貼簿 jiǎn tiē bù scrapbook
簿 cún bù savings book; bank account passbook
簿 duì bù to confront sb with accusation; written charge in court (in former times); to take sb to court
簿 duì bù to confront sb with accusation; written charge in court (in former times); to take sb to court
簿公堂 duì bù gōng táng public courtroom accusation (idiom); legal confrontation; to take sb to court; to sue
簿 zhàng bù account book
簿 zhàng bù account book
户口名簿 hù kǒu míng bù (Tw) household registration certificate (identity document)
戶口名簿 hù kǒu míng bù (Tw) household registration certificate (identity document)
戶口簿 hù kǒu bù household register
拍纸簿 pāi zhǐ bù writing pad
拍紙簿 pāi zhǐ bù writing pad
烟花簿 yān huā bù catalog of prostitutes (esp. in Yuan theater)
煙花簿 yān huā bù catalog of prostitutes (esp. in Yuan theater)
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