



  • usurp
  • to seize
  • to usurp
  • old variant of 篡[cuan4]


篡 stroke order diagram
篡 stroke order animation


改 cuàn gǎi to tamper with; to falsify
夺 cuàn duó to usurp; to seize
权 cuàn quán to usurp power
位 cuàn wèi to seize the throne
奪 cuàn duó to usurp; to seize
弑 cuàn shì to commit regicide
弒 cuàn shì to commit regicide
政 cuàn zhèng to usurp political power
權 cuàn quán to usurp power
窃 cuàn qiè to usurp; to seize
竊 cuàn qiè to usurp; to seize
立 cuàn lì to become an unlawful ruler
贼 cuàn zéi usurper
賊 cuàn zéi usurper
军 cuàn jūn to usurp the military
軍 cuàn jūn to usurp the military
逆 cuàn nì to rebel; to revolt
党 cuàn dǎng to usurp the leadership of the party
黨 cuàn dǎng to usurp the leadership of the party
biān cuàn to fabricate (sth)
biān cuàn to fabricate (sth)
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