
pattern, model, rule, law


  • pattern, model, rule, law
  • pattern
  • model
  • example
  • surname Fan


縣 fàn xiàn Fan county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan
華東師大學 huá dōng shī fàn dà xué East China Normal University (ECNU)
guī fàn norm; standard; specification; regulation; rule; within the rules; to fix rules; to regulate; to specify
化 guī fàn huà to standardize; standardization
性 guī fàn xìng normal; standard
理論 guī fàn lǐ lùn Standard Model (of particle physics)
設計規 shè jì guī fàn design norm; planning regulations
古今 yí fàn gǔ jīn to leave an example for all generations
起模 qǐ mó fàn to set an example
guǐ fàn standard; criterion
guī fàn lady's demeanor; norms expected of women (in former times)
kǔn fàn model of feminine virtues
fáng fàn to be on guard; wariness; to guard against; preventive
陝西師大學 shǎn xī shī fàn dà xué Shaanxi Normal University
韓山師學院 hán shān shī fàn xué yuàn Hanshan Normal University, Shantou, Guangdong
fēng fàn air; manner; model; paragon; demeanor
社會規 shè huì guī fàn social norms; societal standards