
case, box, chest, trunk

HSK 3 #1453


  • case, box, chest, trunk
  • box
  • trunk
  • chest


箱 stroke order diagram
箱 stroke order animation


百宝 bǎi bǎo xiāng treasure chest
kāi xiāng unboxing; to unbox
投票 tóu piào xiāng ballot box
àn xiāng camera bellows; camera obscura
变速 biàn sù xiāng gearbox; transmission
piào xiāng ballot box
fēng xiāng bellows
意见 yì jiàn xiāng suggestion box
保洁 bǎo jié xiāng litter-bin
保潔 bǎo jié xiāng litter-bin
保育 bǎo yù xiāng incubator (for newborns)
保險 bǎo xiǎn xiāng safe deposit box; a safe
倒箧 qīng xiāng dǎo qiè to exhaust all one has; to leave no stone unturned; to try one's best
倒篋 qīng xiāng dǎo qiè to exhaust all one has; to leave no stone unturned; to try one's best
储水 chǔ shuǐ xiāng water-storage tank
儲水 chǔ shuǐ xiāng water-storage tank
化学战剂检毒 huà xué zhàn jì jiǎn dú xiāng chemical detection kit
化學戰劑檢毒 huà xué zhàn jì jiǎn dú xiāng chemical detection kit
废物 fèi wù xiāng ash-bin; litter-bin
廢物 fèi wù xiāng ash-bin; litter-bin
后备 hòu bèi xiāng trunk; boot (of a car)
後備 hòu bèi xiāng trunk; boot (of a car)
意見 yì jiàn xiāng suggestion box
手套 shǒu tào xiāng glove compartment (of a car); glovebox (sealed compartment with attached gloves for handling hazardous materials etc)
收件 shōu jiàn xiāng inbox