
rattan box, suitcase, or case



  • rattan box, suitcase, or case
  • chest
  • box
  • trunk
  • suitcase
  • portfolio


箧 stroke order diagram
箧 stroke order animation


倾箱倒 qīng xiāng dǎo qiè to exhaust all one has; to leave no stone unturned; to try one's best
shū qiè bookcase
盈箱累 yíng xiāng lěi qiè to fill boxes and baskets to the brim (with treasures)
kuāng qiè rectangular box or chest
中物 kuāng qiè zhōng wù a commonplace thing
xiāng qiè box; chest
笥 qiè sì bamboo box for holding books, clothes etc
qiè qiè long and thin; slender
衍 qiè yǎn bamboo box
翻箱倒 fān xiāng dǎo qiè to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom)
qū qiè to steal; to pilfer
者流 qū qiè zhě liú thieves; pilferers
téng qiè wicker suitcase
xíng qiè traveling suitcase
gǔ qiè beginning-school ceremony (old usage); classical learning
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