reed screen; frame for growing silkworms



  • reed screen
  • frame for growing silkworms
  • plaited matting (of rushes, bamboo etc)
  • silkworm basket
  • metal foil
  • foil paper


箔 stroke order diagram
箔 stroke order animation


xī bó tinfoil
jīn bó gold leaf
lǚ bó aluminum foil
洋铁 yáng tiě bó tinfoil; CL:張|张[zhang1]
洋鐵 yáng tiě bó tinfoil; CL:張|张[zhang1]
zhū bó curtain of pearls; screen of beads
zhǐ bó joss paper
zhǐ bó joss paper
wěi bó reed matting; reed screen
wěi bó reed matting; reed screen
cán bó tray of straw for raising silkworms; fig. sericulture
cán bó tray of straw for raising silkworms; fig. sericulture
贴锡 tiē xī bó to decorate with tin foil
貼錫 tiē xī bó to decorate with tin foil
金银 jīn yín bó gold and silver foil; gold and silver leaf
金銀 jīn yín bó gold and silver foil; gold and silver leaf
针线篱 zhēn xiàn bó lí wicker sewing basket (dialect)
針線籬 zhēn xiàn bó lí wicker sewing basket (dialect)
qiān bó lead foil; CL:張|张[zhang1]
qiān bó lead foil; CL:張|张[zhang1]
yín bó silver foil
yín bó silver foil
lǚ bó aluminum foil
纸 lǚ bó zhǐ aluminum foil
紙 lǚ bó zhǐ aluminum foil
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